30s Magazine

Decking the Halls early

Traditionally I have saved decking the halls until December 1st or the first Advent Sunday. But this year, I decided to break the rules because everything is different anyway. With the Corona virus still prevalent and being semi locked down, I simply couldn’t wait any longer to break into tubs of holiday treasures and bring in some holiday cheer. There was just one minor thing I had to resolve; buying a tree. Normally, I have a real tree but that wouldn’t last that long. Luckily I found the perfect artificial tree in just the right size and color as I like to have a snow-covered look. I’ll miss the fresh pine fragrant but I’ll find other ways to mimic it with candles, room spray or fresh pine garlands.

Nostalgic Christmas decorations

Every year, I opt for a theme or a color scheme. This year I chose ‘nostalgia’ as a theme with an ambiguous meaning. First because it’s a nostalgic, classic color scheme with bright red as the primary color and black, white and gold as secondary colors. I chose traditional ornaments like the poinsettia, a little drum, a Nutcracker soldier, candies, candy canes and lollipops and striped Christmas cones. Secondly, because I threw in multiple ornaments hinting towards my life before the Corona pandemic. I have several stacked suitcases ornaments to symbolize my travelling lifestyle. I also included a few shopping and fashion ornaments to represent my fashionable lifestyle before I consorted to living in sweat pants and flannel pyjamas.

A Bespoke Bow Christmas Tree Topper

Every Christmas tree should have something personal in my opinion. Whether it’s a gift or an inherited vintage ornament, it should be something unique. In addition to the suitcases and fashion ornaments, I have a bespoke bow Christmas tree topper, made especially for me. I love the richness of the black velvet ribbon combined with a gold lace embroidered red tartan ribbon. It really adds some classic chic to the tree and it’s also quite unique to have in the Netherlands.

I’m by far not finished yet with decorating the house. For now I’m pleased to have the tree up. I love decorating for Christmas and I go completely perfectionist when Christmas rolls around! I usually rearrange, restyle, and get additional ornaments and decorations until the last moment.  This year I’ll have two more weeks to do just that and enough time to throw in some extra twinkle lights to compensate these dark times.

Christmas decorating tips

Decking the halls can be either super fun or daunting. What makes it enjoyable for me is that I see it as something fun and not as a chore. Here are some of my tips:

  1. Put on some Christmas music or a Christmas movie to get you in the holiday spirit.
  2. Don’t feel pressured to finish it all in one day. Start with the tree and work your way from space to space
  3. You don’t have to go all out if you don’t feel like it. Nobody cares if you don’t put up lights in the garden. You’re allowed to skip the mantelpiece just this once. Keep it fun and don’t make it more strenuous than it should be. A tree, a few candles and a single string of lights around a window suffices too.

Whatever Christmas decorations you do to welcome in this joyful season know that it is more than enough.

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