30s Magazine

Great summer drink: Elderflower lemonade

The Elderflower season is long gone, but thanks to Ikea you can still enjoy a good glass of refreshing Elderflower lemonade on a hot day, or  welcome your guests at your next garden party with an elderflower cocktail.  I never bought gourmet products at Ikea before, but a few weeks ago I thought I would give it a try. So I bought the elderflower syrup and I must say, it’s not bad at all. Sure, it doesn’t come close to the real deal, but hey, not everyone has time to go to the park, and climb into the bushes to pick elderflower and make their own cordial.

It’s refreshing, and has a delicate flower taste with a tangy citrus undertone. It’s great to mix with gin and soda, and if you like you can add a slice of lemon. At Ikea they recommend to mix it with gin and rum to create the ultimate summer cocktail. Another nice idea is to mix it with fruit, and champagne to create a fizzy and classy fruit bowl. In Swedish it’s called Flädersaft, just try it, I bet you’ll like it as much as I do.

(tumbler with turquoise print is from LSA international and available at kleuroptafel.nl)

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