30s Magazine

Make your balcony autumn-ready

We are blessed to have had such nice weather in September. This is definitely the proverbial Indian Summer that they usually only really experience in the States. Coming week they forecast 20 degrees Celsius…in October! In the meantime, everyone is stocking up on gourds and pumpkins to decorate their homes and entryways. So am I. I love the changing of the seasons as it is my cue (and excuse) to make over my home and balcony. [continue reading after photo]

bench My balcony is my sanctuary. It’s where I have breakfast on Sunday mornings, and where I sit when I take a break and restore my spirit. Even in autumn, on crisp days, it can be a pleasant retreat if you decorate it the right way. So today I would like to share how I transformed my balcony from a tropical colorful summer sanctuary to a rustic country-like spot. I repurposed a few of my accessories, and used natural materials, hues and fabrics, as well as lots of natural objects to finish the look. I parked my broom, threw in a few gourds, cinnamon sticks and dried corn, and voila, here’s my autumn balcony!

Heather and chrysanthemums are quintessential autumn flowers. You can also consider adding other flowers, but I like to keep it low maintenance and minimalist  in autumn. Don’t forget to have candles and a warm scarf ready for crisp mornings or evenings so you can lean towards the flame to warm your hands.

Would you like to get more autumn decor ideas? I have created a special page for you with all my past autumn blog posts compiled for your perusal. From decor tips, to recipes outdoor activities, and table settings.

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