30s Magazine

Tabletop Styling e-course

My favourite part of the holidays or dinner parties is setting the table. I like it so much that I made a small business out of it, and style tables for people in my network. Everyone has its own signature or distinctive way of doing things. Therefore I was thrilled to learn that California based top stylist Justina Blakeney is giving an online tabletop styling class on Skillshare, just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas. In this class you will learn how to create tablescapes with a wow-factor or how to style a place setting that makes a statement and has a memorable impact.

Justina shares her key tips and tricks and 5 principles of Table-top styling. The class will also include floral design tips from floral designer Kelly Cuadra of Brown Paper Design and tablescape photography tips by Jennifer Chong.

The e-course  Style memorable tablescapes for every season starts on November 21st. Do you also want to shine as a host coming Thanksgiving and Christmas? If you enroll via my blog you will get a $10 DISCOUNT. So instead of $19,  you’ll pay ONLY $9 with life time access to the online classroom. If you can’t make it on the 21st, you can still enroll and take it at a later time in your own pace. Hope to see you in the online class room! Enroll here


photo by Laura Joliet, styling Justina Blakeney

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